We are more than just our thoughts.
Our bodies, emotions, and spirituality are all connected. They combine to give us identity, determine our health, and make us who we are.
To be ‘healthy’, we have to look at those three aspects of our nature.
In Chinese Medicine, we said ‘Our physical sickness is caused by our emotion’. When we hold onto emotions, the energy becomes stuck in our body.
By the time we feel the pain, see the issues in our body, basically we have certain kind of emotion accumulated inside us for a period of time. When our body is no longer able to take it, it creates pain or other sickness in the physical form and bring our awareness.
Kinesiologist work with energy systems in the body- the flow of our natural energies (Chi/ lifeforce), balance the body energies to maximise the body’s healing opportunity.
Through muscle testing(kinesiology), we give an opportunity to our mind having a say, say how we feel deep down, say what kind of emotion is suppressed and hold onto. Once the emotion is released, most of time half of physical pain also would disappear.
When someone is in a state of pure wellness, there is no separation between mind body and spirit. All elements of the self are in harmonious balance. The person is living in a state of wholeness.
Here are some tips to integrate mind, body and spirt in order to living a balance life:
Exercise - exercising releases chemicals called endorphins into your brain. Endorphins are produced to help relieve pain, reduce stress and improve mood. Exercise is one of the best ways to cleanse your emotional energy field. It is beneficial for reducing stress and other tension. When we opt for exercise, we are opting for a more balanced way of life.
Sweating is one of the fastest ways to remove toxins from the body. Not only do you cleanse your body, but you also cleanse your entire emotional energy field.
Positive mindset – Thinking positively give us motivation and energy to achieve our goals. When facing challenged situation, we could still think clearly and handle it in an intelligence way.
Playtime - Do what make you feel happy – journaling, dancing, drawing... do whatever make you happy. How many of us have put ‘PLAYTIME’ in our calendar?
Playtime is not only for children. It’s time for us to put down their mother’s role, daughter’s role, brother’s role aside, just be ourselves, allow ourselves to be free from the society or tradition for a sec.
Healthy Diet – Food is the fuel of our body. Healthy eating means eating a wide variety of foods from each of the 5 major food groups (vegetables/legumes, fruit, lean meats & poultry, fish, nuts and seeds, grain foods, dairy product) in the amounts recommended. Eating a variety of foods from the 5 major food groups provides a range of nutrients to the body, promotes good health and can help reduce the risk of disease - as well as keeping diet interesting with different flavours and textures.
Sleep – We do it every day, so we don’t mention it. But how often you feel you don’t have enough sleep? Few times a week?
Our organ repair itself and also release several healing substances while you sleep that keep your muscles healthy.
Sleep helps muscles release protein-building amino acids into the bloodstream at an increased rate which helps them grow bigger and stronger over time. So don't sacrifice your sleep to Netflix.